In the old days, dropping your phone was not such a big deal. You picked it up, dusted it off, and put it back in your pocket.
However nowadays, when your smartphone drops, your heart stops and you hold your breath as it tumbles to the ground. (GASP!) You pray the what?…. doesn’t break!
Your smartphone display is made of high-strength glass or acrylic, but it can still shatter if it’s dropped or if it receives other significant impact. But, besides the obvious aesthetic reasons to repair a cracked smartphone screen, there are functional, productivity and health related reasons to repair that damaged screen.
Even Samsung explicitly indicates in its Health and Safety Warranty Guide that smartphones users should stop using the device if the screen is broken or cracked because it could cause injury.
Here are a few risks involved with using a cracked cell phone screen:
1. Touch Screen Anamolies
Broken cell phone screens won’t get better over time. Usually the first thing that becomes compromised is the capacitance of the touch screen’s of your phone. That means it may either take longer for your phone to respond to touch gestures, activates a different part of the screen than touched, or at worst, it will stop working completely.
A damaged phone screen is susceptible to finger oils, dust and debris working their way into the cracks, further damaging you phone over time; and is a main cause of digitizer issues.
2. Splinter Hazard
With cracked phone screens, you put your fingers at risk from cuts when you try to swipe through it as per usual. If your phone screen has severe cracks, you could possibly hurt yourself with small glass splinters.
3. Eye & Brain Strain
Smartphones today feature high-definition displays for an optimal viewing experience. When your screen breaks, you’re stuck having to look at this horrific eyesore. But, the worst part is having to decipher the content right below the cracked areas all the time.
4. Exposure to Harmful Radiation
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radio-frequency from cellphones as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” The American Cancer Society, notes that more research will need to be done to be able to conclusively say that cell phone use poses NO health risks to users. So, by default, smartphones are already giving off radiation.
So, if a phone’s internal radiation sources are exposed through the screen cracks, there could potentially be a greater risk for the user.
The Last Word
Cracked phone screens are unsightly, affect your productivity and your physical and mental well-being. Precautions like protective cases minimize the risk of damage. to your smart phone.
Do you replace screen protectors? How much do you charge?
Hi Stephanie,
Give Anthony a call (226) 344-0362, he will be able to answer your questions.
Thanks for reaching out to us.